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    The theoretical development of opacity entrepreneurship in Malaysia
    (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 2015) Sim, Wan Jie
    Majority of entrepreneurship researchers are likely to adopt and agree to the idea of early mainstream theorists and conventional pretext entrepreneurship with a positive perspective confirmed by early orthodox theorists. However, there are some practical scenarios such as "opacity", "underground economy", or "informal sector", which one needs to be aware of. In fact, one of the philosophies contributed by the research had been to investigate the ideological perspectives in the antagonistic point of view in entrepreneurship, as well as the antagonistic issues that arise. Antagonistic entrepreneurship is rarely revealed in the mainstream textbooks, but its existence is indeed wide spread in the reality. Besides, this issue is not openly discussed in textbooks due to inconvenient knowledge that might be deliberated and cause sedition against the government. Hence, this research offers contributions to the comprehension of opacity in entrepreneurship (off-the-books, gimmick and run afoul of law) in the Malaysian business conditions. Thus, a Grounded Theory Research was employed and seven entrepreneurs were interviewed, whereby the data retrieved were analyzed. As a result, the findings obtained from the research depicted that opacity in entrepreneurship had been indeed an effective strategy that has been usually involved in an opaque network in order to contend against unfavourable institutional aspect, which is detrimental to the business interest, and somehow, common in the contemporary sociocultural. Apart from that, by identifying the priorities in the opacity in entrepreneurships, Malaysia would be able to position itself in a favourable business environment, not only to foster the growth of local entrepreneurs, but also to bring in more foreign direct investments. Furthermore, the discovery of this unorthodox knowledge does not only create a new diversity in the field of entrepreneurship research, but also other fields that might benefit from the intelligence of the unorthodox aspect
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    The effectiveness of project management by stakeholders in enhancing project and stakeholder management
    (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 2013) Aladpoosh, Hamid
    Many projects fail to achieve their objectives due to weaknesses in stakeholder management (SM). This research addresses the features of a project stakeholder management (PSM) framework. The lack of formal SM in projects and the weaknesses of the qualitative methods of SM are two important issues that are reported in the literature. This research proposes a new framework to address these two issues, which is namely Project Management by Stakeholders (PMBS). The study used a survey open-ended questionnaire followed by on-site personal semistructured interviews. The research instrument was pre-tested by five academicians and SM experts. Purposive sampling was employed in choosing the twenty participants due to their SM knowledge, practice in Project Management (PM) and availability. Content Analysis method was used to analyze the collected data. The validity of the research was established through the triangulation of methods and sources. This research reveals that unlike conventional wisdom, scope management and SM intertwine thus; PM should play an interface role between them. This research contributes to an enhanced knowledge of SM and PM by developing a new PSM framework that it provides an integrated approach to address the unity of the project needs against the multiplicity of the stakeholders need. Adoption of the new comprehensive PSM framework will improve the management of projects and their stakeholders. The findings of the research will help to bridge the gap between PM and SM.
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    Hubungan komitmen pengurus dengan budaya dan perilaku keselamatan kerja loji penapisan minyak Riau
    (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 2020) Daswir, Daswir
    Indonesia adalah salah satu pengeluar minyak mentah dunia. Isu keselamatan di tempat kerja memainkan peranan yang sangat penting bagi memastikan pekerja sentiasa berada dalam keadaan baik dan produktif. Satu masalah penting mengenai Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan di Indonesia ialah Komitmen Pengurusan. Ini disebabkan oleh sektor gas asli dan petroleum mempunyai risiko tinggi dalam sektor huluan, iaitu dalam aktiviti penggerudian dan pengurusan. Risiko termasuk kemalangan, kewangan, letupan, kebakaran atau penyakit pekerjaan dan kesan alam sekitar. Faktor utama adalah kerana isu berkaitan persekitaran berbahaya dan tindakan yang tidak selamat belum dapat ditangani dengan cara yang baik, oleh itu, peranan pengurusan sangat diperlukan untuk mengatasi masalah ini. Jurang penyelidikan yang menjadi tumpuan kajian ini adalah komitmen pengurusan. Pengaruh budaya kerja, iklim keselamatan kerja, tingkah laku keselamatan kerja terhadap komitmen pengurusan dirasakan sangat signifikan. Oleh itu, kajian dilakukan untuk membuktikan hipotesis ini. Kajian ini dilakukan terhadap pekerja d i sebuah l oji minyak di Riau, Indonesia. Bilangan sampel adalah 132 responden yang dipilih menggunakan teknik pensampelan rawak, dan kaedah analitikal yang digunakan adalah Ordinary Least Square, dengan kaedah regresi. Sebelum analisis dijalankan, ujian multicollinear, heteroscedasticity dan normal dilakukan untuk memastikan bahawa syarat-syarat ini dipenuhi. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa komitmen pengurusan dari segi keselamatan kerja di Indonesia masih rendah. Pemboleh ubah iaitu budaya kerja, iklim keselamatan kerja, tingkah laku keselamatan kerja mempunyai korelasi positif dengan komitmen pengurusan, baik secara separa mahupun serentak. Hasil pengujian hipotesis melalui ujian-t menunjukkan pengaruh yang signifikan. Kajian masa depan diperlukan untuk meneroka sejauh mana komitmen pengurusan yang diperlukan dalam operasi harian.
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    A hybrid multi-criteria decision making method for risk assessment of public-private partnership projects
    (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 2016) Sarvari, Hadi
    As governments embark on Public Private Partnership (PPP) projects to develop their infrastructure, effective risk assessment has become an important step to ensure success of these projects. However, there are many unsuccessful stories of PPP projects that have been reported all around the world. Thus, it is essential for both public and private sectors to apply efficient risk assessment approaches to allocate and manage risks more effectively. Literature review revealed a continuous endeavor for better PPP project risk modelling and assessment. Various techniques have been developed for use in the management of risks in construction. However, these techniques are limited to addressing risks relating to only cost, schedule, or technical performance individually or at best a combination of cost and schedule risks. Previous work so far is lacking a comprehensive model capable of handling impact of risks on all project objectives simultaneously; namely cost, time and quality. Thus, the main objective of this study is to develop a hybrid risk assessment method that capable of capturing impact of risks on the three project objectives comprehensively. To achieve this aim, this research explores the risk assessment approaches and proposes a hybrid alternative method based on the Fuzzy Analytic Network Process (FANP) and Multiple Objective Particle Swarm Optimization (MOPSO). The Fuzzy logic was used to convert linguistic principles into systematic quantitative-based analysis. Also, in order to consider the dependency and feedback between risks and criteria, ANP method is applied as a Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) method. Then, MOPSO, as a MCDM method, was used to assess the risks based on the project objectives. Objective functions have been developed to minimize the total time and cost of the project and maximize the quality. The research approach was a mixed-method approach and the field work included a series of questionnaires and interviews. It started with semi-structured interviews with PPP professionals. A mail survey was administered and more than 114 questionnaires were sent to construction and PPP professionals based in Malaysia. Out of 114, 88 valid responses have been received. An on-line survey was carried out as well in order to enrich the findings of the mail survey. The proposed hybrid approach was used to assess the collected data. A total of 30 significant risks were identified and evaluated. According to the results, it was found that “construction completion”, “construction cost overrun” and “interest rate volatility” are the highest ranks associated with the Malaysian PPP projects risks. Finally, the viability of the proposed hybrid approach was investigated through conducting semi-structured interviews with PPP professionals from construction and administration sector. It is concluded that the proposed hybrid MCDM method for risk assessment is a viable alternative to the existing practice. This may help bridging the gap between theory and practice of risk assessment in construction projects. It also can be applied through the public and private sectors to improve risk assessment and management. The research findings recommend further exploration of the potential applications of hybrid MCDM methods in construction management domain.
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    Delay in housing delivery process in Malaysia
    (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 2014) Chai, Chang Sa'ar
    The challenges associated with housing delivery process in Malaysia have resulted in late delivery of housing supply and increasing numbers of sick and abundant projects. Although delays have been extensively investigated in the construction industry, it is still a common phenomenon especially for Malaysian housing industry. Therefore, there is a strong need to review the delay and reclassify delay factors in order to evaluate the housing delivery performance in Malaysia. This research aims at developing housing performance index to address delay in delivery process. As the delay factors are identified and classified, the factors which are gathered in an empirical survey are analyzed. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is conducted on the information obtained from a questionnaire survey held. A numbers of 23 delay factors are extracted from a total of 91 delay factors which are classified into 3 categories of new delay classification; structural, institutional and cultural in housing delivery stages. The most successful mitigation measures in housing delay avoidance are identified. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is performed to examine the causal relationship of new delay classification and housing delivery process. A housing delivery performance index is derived from such SEM model. Structural delay recorded the highest index coefficient (0.42) as compared to institutional delay (0.28) and cultural delay (0.30) respectively. This demonstrated that structural delay is a significant influence to the housing delivery performance. The performance index can be improved by trading off mitigation strategy and potential delay factors. The index is essential to benchmark the housing delivery performance and hence provides a preliminary guideline to the construction players in handling housing projects. The index is verified via a semi structured interview and three case studies which proves its functionality in practice