Damage based reliability of smart industrialised building system for residential units

SMART Industrialised Building System (IBS) is the invention of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) researcher. The system is targeted to resist earthquakes up to 6.0 Richter scale. However, the damage based reliability of one storey SMART IBS system may become a serious concern before the product is commercialised to the countries that prone to earthquakes. In this research, scaled 1: 5 model was developed according to the Buckingham Pi Theorem and Similitude Theory. Therefore, the experimental results of scaled 1:5 model are representing the real behaviour of full scaled model and then damage based reliability of one storey of SMART IBS system on seismic performance were studied. Four types of laboratory tests with scaled 1:5 were conducted which were beam flexural test, single column pushover test, two bay frames with wall panels pushover test and vibration test of one model of residential unit. In comparison between experimental test and nonlinear finite element analysis, the results were proven to have similarities in linear and nonlinear behaviour in terms of failure modes and strength profiles. The structure was assessed based on three different performance levels that were Immediate Occupancy (IO), Life Safety (LS) and Collapse Prevention (CP). Five damage ranks ranges from 1 to 5, five damage index ranges from 0 to 1 and five damage states that were Slight, Light, Medium, Heavy and Collapse were proposed based on the damage intensities of the components. The damage based reliability procedure and equation were developed to obtain a structural damage based reliability index. The proposed damage based reliability analysis starts with the determination of weighting factor of part in a component. Then, the weighting factor was multiplied with damage ranking score to obtain the damage score. The probability of failure of a component was determined by total damage score of component in the cumulative distribution function of the damage score. The damage based reliability index was obtained by one minus the probability of failure of component. One storey SMART IBS system was proven very reliable with damage based reliability index of 1 for earthquake peak ground acceleration (PGA) ranges from 0.05g to 5.3g
Thesis (Ph.D (Civil Engineering))
Industrialized building, Earthquake resistant design—Data processing, Earthquake engineering—Research