Performance of cold stone mastic asphalt mixture
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Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Various studies have been carried out to improve the quality of road construction and reduce the construction cost and pollution in Malaysia. The understanding of the techniques to reduce the pollution and at the same time meet the performance requirement, has led to the development of cold stone mastic asphalt mix (CSMA) study. In order to develop CSMA, this study was divided into three main phases. For Phase I, the material evaluation and characterization were determined using physical and rheological tests. Two types of conventional bitumen emulsion which were Medium Setting (MS-1K and MS-2K) and one modified bitumen emulsion Neomed were used for the binder. Two different gradations were utilised which were 5 mm nominal maximum aggregate size (SMA5) and 14 mm nominal maximum aggregate size (SMA14). Results obtained from the laboratory test show that the modified bitumen emulsion Neomed has better performance compared to the other bitumen emulsion. Phase II was carried out to determine the suitability of the Marshall design method in Cold Mix Asphalt (CMA) design with regards to the tropical climate in Malaysia. The CSMA design consisted of SMA5 and SMA14 with 8 % to 10 % and 5 % to 7 % of bitumen emulsion respectively. All samples were tested using the Marshall method in order to determine the flow, stability and stiffness. CSMA samples achieved almost all the requirements set for the standard hot mix SMA. Phase III focused on engineering properties and performance of the CSMA. The specimens with the optimum emulsion content were produced and tested for several performance tests including resilient modulus, static creep and indirect tensile strength. Relationships between stress and strain, rutting potential, and cracking potential were established. Results of the analysis show that CSMA14 with Neomed has the best fatigue resistance, followed by CSMA5 with Neomed, CSMA14 with MS-1K and CSMA14 with MS-2K. For the rutting resistance, SMA14-Control and SMA5-Control show best results followed by CSMA14 with MS-2K and SMA5 with MS-2K. Overall, the research has suggested that CSMA14 with MS-2K shows comparable performance with hot mix stone mastic asphalt and can be used in various types of applications.
Thesis (Ph.D (Civil Engineering))
Roads—Design and construction—Environmental aspects, Road materials—Testing, Highway engineering—Research