A systematic mathematical modelling framework of a cement plant optimisation
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Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Climate change has been a challenge from past decades with the increase of worldwide industrial activities. Cement industry is considered as one of the industries that generate high carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. With imminent increase in CO2 emission due to the increased cement demand, a systematic model for cost optimal cement plant that fulfills carbon limitations without compromising product specification was proposed. Three sub-objectives were identified; to determine highest CO2 reduction and process synthesis of energy efficient technologies of an optimal cement plant, to perform economic assessments to study the feasibility of proposed methods, and to develop a dynamic simulation model of post combustion absorption unit capture system for cement plant. Three mitigation methods were considered; coprocessing, kiln system improvements, and carbon capture. Superstructure was constructed for the mixed integer linear programming model executed in an optimisation software called general algebraic modelling system. Cement plant with co-processing managed to mitigate 4% of CO2 emission with 94.67 USD/tonne clinker, 14% reduction was achieved with additional kiln improvements at USD 94.61/tonne clinker while the addition of carbon capture managed to be reduced up to 98% CO2 emission with USD 135.96/tonne clinker. Since more than 90% CO2 emission from cement plant was mitigated from post combustion capture system, the absorption column of the capture system was modelled for dynamic study. Dynamic rate based model of the absorber unit was coded into a simulation model called gPROMS. The rate based model consists of mass and heat transfer, chemical reaction and kinetics, and thermodynamic equilibrium (chemical and phase equilibrium). Ramp test was used to study the dynamic model. This study proves that the optimal results from the models can successfully improve the cement plant in terms of environmental criteria. The dynamic simulation model also shows smooth response to fluctuations of flue gas emissions from cement plant which could be integrated with CO2 capture process
Thesis (PhD. (Chemical Engineering))
Cement plants—Environmental aspects, Carbon dioxide mitigation, Sustainable design